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Writer's picture: Isobel Austin-LittleIsobel Austin-Little

After an indulgent Christmas full of drinking and eating, people start thinking about setting New Year's resolutions. I am all about supporting people with their health and supporting the body's natural detoxification systems, especially in preparation for trying for a baby. However, January is rife with hacks on how to lose weight, fad diets, and juice cleanses, most of which do more harm than good with no long-term health benefits. So here are a few little tips for you to consider when setting your goals for the year ahead, I hope you find them helpful.

1.  Don’t set yourself up to fail!

Be realistic when setting your goals. Make them enjoyable and personal to you. One of the reasons that most resolutions don’t make it past January is because they are unrealistic, unfulfilling and unachievable. Make them rewarding, fulfilling and fun. 

2. Focus on adding things in, rather than removing things.

Whether that be foods, exercise, drinking more water or learning a new hobby, focusing on bringing something positive to your daily routine may bring about better results.

3. Plan ahead.

As you head in to January try not to wing it, but plan your week and how you see your goals coming to fruition.  Think about the steps that need to be taken to make that resolution real and factor those steps and time in to your day.

4. Partner up!

If you live with a partner or housemate and your goals align, do things together to make it fun and to give you that extra nudge on those days where motivation is lacking.

Remember, weight is just a number on the weighing scale. What is most important is how you feel. If you move more, eat better, sleep better and stress less, you will feel better and naturally meet your weight goals quicker. Focus on all the things you could add to your diet and lifestyle. By piling in the good stuff, you may find there is no room for those old habits.

If you are looking for 1:1 support this year, you can book in a discovery call here. I have also created a little guide on how to support the liver naturally and live a low-toxic life. This is a great starting point if you are wanting to discover ways to support your health. Why not take a look and download it here. You will also get 7 days of recipes straight in your inbox!

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